ssz package


Submodules module

class*args, **kwds)

Bases: ABC, Generic[TElement]

abstract property chunks: PVector[Hash32]
abstract property elements: PVector[TElement]
abstract evolver() HashableStructureEvolverAPI[TStructure, TElement]
abstract classmethod from_iterable_and_sedes(iterable: Iterable[TElement], sedes: BaseProperCompositeSedes, max_length: int | None)
abstract property hash_tree: HashTree
abstract property hash_tree_root: Hash32
abstract mset(*args: int | TElement) TStructure
abstract property raw_root: Hash32
abstract set(index: int, value: TElement) TStructure
abstract transform(*transformations)
class TStructure)

Bases: ABC, Generic[TStructure, TElement]

abstract is_dirty() bool
abstract persistent() TStructure
abstract set(index: int, element: TElement) None
class*args, **kwds)

Bases: HashableStructureAPI[TElement]

abstract append(value: TElement) TStructure
abstract evolver() ResizableHashableStructureEvolverAPI[TStructure, TElement]
abstract extend(values: Iterable[TElement]) TStructure
class TStructure)

Bases: HashableStructureEvolverAPI[TStructure, TElement]

abstract append(element: TElement) None
abstract extend(iterable: Iterable[TElement]) None

ssz.codec module

ssz.codec.decode(ssz, sedes)

Decode a SSZ encoded object.

ssz.codec.encode(value, sedes=None)

Encode object in SSZ format. sedes needs to be explicitly mentioned for encode/decode of integers(as of now). sedes parameter could be given as a string or as the actual sedes object itself.

ssz.constants module

ssz.exceptions module

exception ssz.exceptions.DeserializationError

Bases: SSZException

Exception raised if deserialization fails.

exception ssz.exceptions.SSZException

Bases: Exception

Base class for exceptions raised by this package.

exception ssz.exceptions.SerializationError

Bases: SSZException

Exception raised if serialization fails.

ssz.hash module

ssz.hash.hash_eth2(data: bytes) Hash32

Return SHA-256 hashed result. Note: it’s a placeholder and we aim to migrate to a S[T/N]ARK-friendly hash function in a future Ethereum 2.0 deployment phase.

ssz.hash_tree module

class ssz.hash_tree.HashTree(raw_hash_tree: PVector[PVector[Hash32]], chunk_count: int | None = None)

Bases: PVector[Hash32]

append(value: Hash32) HashTree
property chunks: PVector[Hash32]
classmethod compute(chunks: Iterable[Hash32], chunk_count: int | None = None) HashTree
count(value) integer -- return number of occurrences of value
delete(index: int, stop: int | None = None) HashTree
extend(value: Iterable[Hash32]) HashTree
index(value[, start[, stop]]) integer -- return first index of value.

Raises ValueError if the value is not present.

Supporting start and stop arguments is optional, but recommended.

mset(*args: int | Hash32) HashTree
remove(value: Hash32) HashTree
property root: Hash32
set(index: int, value: Hash32) HashTree
class ssz.hash_tree.HashTreeEvolver(hash_tree: HashTree)

Bases: object

append(value: Hash32) None
delete(index, stop=None)
extend(values: Iterable[Hash32]) None
is_dirty() bool
persistent() HashTree
set(index: Integral, value: Hash32) None
ssz.hash_tree.append_chunk_to_tree(hash_tree: PVector[PVector[Hash32]], chunk: Hash32) PVector[PVector[Hash32]]
ssz.hash_tree.compute_hash_tree(chunks: Iterable[Hash32], chunk_count: int | None = None) PVector[PVector[Hash32]]
ssz.hash_tree.generate_chunk_tree_padding(unpadded_chunk_tree: PVector[Hash32], chunk_count: int | None) Generator[Hash32, None, None]
ssz.hash_tree.generate_hash_tree_layers(chunks: PVector[Hash32]) Generator[PVector[Hash32], None, None]
ssz.hash_tree.get_num_layers(num_chunks: int, chunk_count: int | None) int
ssz.hash_tree.hash_layer(child_layer: PVector[Hash32], layer_index: int) PVector[Hash32]
ssz.hash_tree.pad_hash_tree(unpadded_chunk_tree: PVector[PVector[Hash32]], chunk_count: int | None = None) PVector[PVector[Hash32]]
ssz.hash_tree.recompute_hash_in_tree(hash_tree: PVector[PVector[Hash32]], layer_index: int, hash_index: int) PVector[PVector[Hash32]]
ssz.hash_tree.set_chunk_in_tree(hash_tree: PVector[PVector[Hash32]], index: int, chunk: Hash32) PVector[PVector[Hash32]]
ssz.hash_tree.validate_chunk_count(chunk_count: int | None) None
ssz.hash_tree.validate_raw_hash_tree(raw_hash_tree: PVector[PVector[Hash32]], chunk_count: int | None = None) None

ssz.hashable_container module

class ssz.hashable_container.FieldDescriptor(name: str)

Bases: object

Descriptor translating from __getattr__ to __getitem__ calls for a given attribute.


alias of MetaHashableContainer


alias of MetaSignedHashableContainer

class ssz.hashable_container.HashableContainer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: BaseHashableStructure[TElement]

Base class for hashable containers.

classmethod create(**field_kwargs: Dict[str, Any])
evolver() HashableContainerEvolver[TStructure, TElement]
property hash_tree_root: Hash32
normalize_item_index(index: str | int) int
class ssz.hashable_container.HashableContainerEvolver(hashable_structure: TStructure)

Bases: HashableStructureEvolver[TStructure, TElement]

Base class for evolvers for hashable containers.

Subclasses (created dynamically by MetaHashableContainer when creating the corresponding HashableContainer) should add settable field descriptors for all fields.

class ssz.hashable_container.Meta(fields, field_names, field_names_to_element_indices, container_sedes, evolver_class)

Bases: tuple

container_sedes: Container

Alias for field number 3

evolver_class: Type[HashableContainerEvolver]

Alias for field number 4

field_names: Tuple[str, ...]

Alias for field number 1

field_names_to_element_indices: Dict[str, int]

Alias for field number 2

fields: Tuple[Tuple[str, BaseSedes], ...]

Alias for field number 0

classmethod from_fields(fields: Tuple[Tuple[str, BaseSedes], ...], container: Container, name: str) Meta
class ssz.hashable_container.MetaHashableContainer(name: str, bases: Tuple[Type, ...], namespace: Dict[str, Any])

Bases: ABCMeta

Metaclass which creates HashableContainers.

get_hash_tree_root_and_leaves(value, cache)
property is_fixed_sized
class ssz.hashable_container.MetaSignedHashableContainer(name, bases, namespace)

Bases: MetaHashableContainer

class ssz.hashable_container.SettableFieldDescriptor(name: str)

Bases: FieldDescriptor

Settable variant of FieldDescriptor for evolver.

class ssz.hashable_container.SignedHashableContainer(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: HashableContainer[TElement]

property signing_root: Hash32
ssz.hashable_container.get_field_sedes_from_fields(fields: Sequence[Tuple[str, BaseSedes]]) Generator[BaseSedes, None, None]
ssz.hashable_container.get_meta_from_bases(bases: Tuple[Type, ...]) Meta | None

Return the meta object defined by one of the given base classes.

Returns None if no base defines a meta object. Raises a TypeError if more than one do.

ssz.hashable_container.hashablify_field_kwargs(field_kwargs: Dict[str, Any], fields: Sequence[Tuple[str, BaseSedes]]) Generator[Tuple[str, Any], None, None]
ssz.hashable_container.hashablify_value(value: Any, sedes: BaseSedes) Any

ssz.hashable_list module

class ssz.hashable_list.HashableList(elements: PVector[TElement], hash_tree: HashTree, sedes: BaseProperCompositeSedes, max_length: int | None = None)

Bases: BaseResizableHashableStructure[TElement], Sequence[TElement]

classmethod from_iterable(iterable: Iterable[TElement], sedes: List[TElement, TElement])
property hash_tree_root: Hash32

ssz.hashable_structure module

class ssz.hashable_structure.BaseHashableStructure(elements: PVector[TElement], hash_tree: HashTree, sedes: BaseProperCompositeSedes, max_length: int | None = None)

Bases: HashableStructureAPI[TElement]

property chunks: PVector[Hash32]
property elements: PVector[TElement]
evolver() HashableStructureEvolverAPI[TStructure, TElement]
classmethod from_iterable_and_sedes(iterable: Iterable[TElement], sedes: BaseProperCompositeSedes, max_length: int | None = None)
property hash_tree: HashTree
property max_length: int | None
mset(*args: int | TElement) TStructure
property raw_root: Hash32
property sedes: BaseProperCompositeSedes
set(index: int, value: TElement) TStructure
class ssz.hashable_structure.BaseResizableHashableStructure(elements: PVector[TElement], hash_tree: HashTree, sedes: BaseProperCompositeSedes, max_length: int | None = None)

Bases: BaseHashableStructure, ResizableHashableStructureAPI[TElement]

append(value: TElement) TResizableStructure
evolver() ResizableHashableStructureEvolverAPI[TResizableStructure, TElement]
extend(values: Iterable[TElement]) TResizableStructure
class ssz.hashable_structure.HashableStructureEvolver(hashable_structure: TStructure)

Bases: HashableStructureEvolverAPI[TStructure, TElement]

is_dirty() bool
persistent() TStructure
set(index: int, element: TElement) None
class ssz.hashable_structure.ResizableHashableStructureEvolver(hashable_structure: TStructure)

Bases: HashableStructureEvolver, ResizableHashableStructureEvolverAPI[TStructure, TElement]

append(element: TElement) None
extend(elements: Iterable[TElement]) None
ssz.hashable_structure.get_appended_chunks(*, appended_elements: Sequence[bytes], element_size: int, num_padding_elements: int) Generator[Hash32, None, None]

Get the sequence of appended chunks.

ssz.hashable_structure.get_num_padding_elements(*, num_original_elements: int, num_original_chunks: int, element_size: int) int

Compute the number of elements that would still fit in the empty space of the last chunk.

ssz.hashable_structure.get_updated_chunks(*, updated_elements: Dict[int, bytes], appended_elements: Sequence[bytes], original_chunks: Sequence[Hash32], element_size: int, num_original_elements: int, num_padding_elements: int) Generator[Tuple[int, Hash32], None, None]

For an element changeset, compute the updates that have to be applied to the existing chunks.

The changeset is given as a dictionary of element indices to updated elements and a sequence of appended elements. Note that appended elements that do not affect existing chunks are ignored.

The pre-existing state is given by the sequence of original chunks and the number of elements represented by these chunks.

The return value is a dictionary mapping chunk indices to chunks.

ssz.hashable_structure.update_element_in_chunk(original_chunk: Hash32, index: int, element: bytes) Hash32

Replace part of a chunk with a given element.

The chunk is interpreted as a concatenated sequence of equally sized elements. This function replaces the element given by its index in the chunk with the given data.

If the length of the element is zero or not a divisor of the chunk size, a ValueError is raised. If the index is out of range, an IndexError is raised.

>>> from ssz.hashable_structure import update_element_in_chunk
>>> update_element_in_chunk(b"aabbcc", 1, b"xx")
ssz.hashable_structure.update_elements_in_chunk(original_chunk: Hash32, updated_elements: Dict[int, bytes]) Hash32

Update multiple elements in a chunk.

The set of updates is given by a dictionary mapping indices to elements. The items of the dictionary will be passed one by one to update_element_in_chunk.

ssz.hashable_vector module

class ssz.hashable_vector.HashableVector(elements: PVector[TElement], hash_tree: HashTree, sedes: BaseProperCompositeSedes, max_length: int | None = None)

Bases: BaseHashableStructure[TElement], Sequence[TElement]

classmethod from_iterable(iterable: Iterable[TElement], sedes: Vector[TElement, TElement])
property hash_tree_root: Hash32

ssz.tree_hash module

ssz.tree_hash.get_hash_tree_root(value: Any, sedes: BaseSedes | None = None) Hash32

ssz.typing module

ssz.utils module

ssz.utils.decode_offset(data: bytes) int
ssz.utils.encode_offset(offset: int) bytes
ssz.utils.get_items_per_chunk(item_size: int) int
ssz.utils.get_next_power_of_two(value: int) int
ssz.utils.get_serialized_bytearray(value: Sequence[bool], bit_count: int, extra_byte: bool) bytearray
ssz.utils.is_immutable_field_value(value: Any) bool
ssz.utils.merkleize(chunks: Sequence[Hash32], limit: int | None = None) Hash32
ssz.utils.merkleize_with_cache(chunks: Sequence[Hash32], cache: CacheObj, limit: int | None = None) Tuple[Hash32, CacheObj]
ssz.utils.mix_in_length(root: Hash32, length: int) Hash32
ssz.utils.pack(serialized_values: Sequence[bytes]) Tuple[Hash32, ...]
ssz.utils.pack_bits(values: Sequence[bool]) Tuple[Hash32]
ssz.utils.pack_bytes(byte_string: bytes) Tuple[bytes, ...]
ssz.utils.pad_zeros(value: bytes) bytes
ssz.utils.read_exact(num_bytes: int, stream: IO[bytes]) bytes
ssz.utils.s_decode_offset(stream: IO[bytes]) int
ssz.utils.to_chunks(packed_data: bytes) Tuple[bytes, ...]

Module contents